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Come into Line


10 pieces, 11.5 × 11.5 inch each

Paper-cut of poster on colored paper

This project started with a poster that came with a purchase of a yoga mat. There are various of yoga poses on it, and I cut along the outline of them, and I add a colored paper to be a background and put this image up-side-down. Then I try other instructional images of this kind, which include the posters of poses of sliding bench workouts, battling ropes workouts, a guide for duo and quatuor acrobatic gymnastics, aerial yoga, pole dancing, stability ball workouts, poses from Kama Sutra, and gestures for police combat training. I complicate and obscure a system of instruction that originally was meant to be very clear, legible, simple so that these alphabet-like diagrams lie between the states of likeness and unlikeness. I hope the viewers to recognize or just cognize my work as something, because this process is about projecting their thoughts onto images by thinking in their particular way.

© 2024 Yutian Liu. All rights reserved.

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