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Expanding Flag Study

Photo credit Mikey Mosher

Photo credit Mikey Mosher
Separating Flag Study

Rippling Flag Study

Swapping Flag Study
Photo credit Tony Favarula

Photo credit Tony Favarula

Photo credit Tony Favarula

Photo credit Tony Favarula

Poster design: Christian Gutierrez, Yutian Liu
Flag Study Series
Expanding Flag Study
Separating Flag Study
Rippling Flag Study
Swapping Flag Study
Screen-printed stitched cotton, wood dowels
22 × 33 to 30 × 43 inches
The Flag Studies explore the ways in which signs gradually shift meaning through repetition, iteration, and permutation. The “chains” (groups/sequences/series) demonstrate how aspects of flags are rotated or shifted or just hung down naturally. I call my gesture “offsetting,” a term I mobilize separately from the technical printing term. It refers not only to the way the shapes appear but also the way they are evidence of a slight distance from an original reality.
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